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"XXX Tekken Torture Tournament XXX"

05/19/01 @ C-level, Los Angeles, CA

06/24/01 @ Outfest, Platinum Oasis, Los Angeles, CA
05/11/02 @ Kent Explora,Tel-Aviv, ISRAEL
03/04/03 @ Adelaide Film Festival, Adelaide, AUSTRALIA
10/09/2003 @ The Kitchen, New York, NY
11/16/03 @ REDCAT, Los Angeles, CA
@ Rotterdam Film Festival, Rotterdam, NETHERLANDS

Tekken Torture Tournament is a one-night event combining the latest video game technology, untapped public aggression and painful electric shock. Willing participants are wired into a custom fighting system - a modified Playstation (running Tekken 3) which converts virtual on screen damage into bracing, non-lethal, electric shocks.

Questions or Comments:
(Link to pre event site)
Tekken Torture Tournament Video
[QT 2.9mb]

Coordination: Eddo Stern & Mark Allen
Game hack engineering & concept: Eddo Stern
Additional hardware: Mark Allen
Video: Cyril Kuhn, Eddo Stern
Photography: Bob Lajes
Poloroids: Liz Hansen, Mark Allen, Christina Ulke
Stage: Philip Solderlind
Print Material : Johnny K
Additonal thanks to Peter Brinson, Jason Brown




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