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 History of events
Sunset Chronicles episode one by little fakers 01/15/05 and 01/16/05
Monday Bar: C-level + nomads&residents present: Erik Göngrich & Ken Ehrlich 12/12/03
NOW SCREENING 'Counter Communities' by Oliver Croy & Oliver Elser 12/12/03
NOW SCREENING Videos by Joshua Mittleman 12/05/03
FIRST PERSON video screening and DVD release - Videos from Los Angeles and Mexico City 8/30/03
NOW SCREENING Nicole Cousino and Maria Karlsson present: The murder of Fred Hampton (1971) 8/28/03
 JoA&P present Counter Productive Industries: COLLECTIVE PRANKS, PROTEST GRAPHICS, AND SPACE RECLAMATION 8/21/03
c-level in Munich Zirkeltraining at lothringer13 - symposium independent spaces & artist networks 7/1/03
Anne-Julie Raccoursier and Andrew Choate present: Waxy Broadcasts at c-level :: 5/31/03
 JoA&P , N&R, A&A present: Trevor Paglen and Aaron Gach !Cricket Launched Missile Systems- Live Demo! 5/25/03
Angela Dorrer presents: PROGRAM ANGELS , NEW ARTWORK FROM GERMANY 04/12/03
NOW SCREENING Julia Lazarus [bootlab] presents: Viola K.T. video works (from Vienna, Austria) 03/29/03
Institute for Applied Autonomy Presentation 03/21/03
Tekken Torture & Cockfight Arena at the Adelaide Film Festival in Australia 03/04/03-06/03/03
Sonic Oddities Screening (from oddball films) 03/09/03
NOW SCREENING Jesse Lerner presents Cinematic Archeology: Ephemeral films on explorations of the Maya past 02/28/03
Ian Clarke of Freenet presentation 02/16/03
 Cockfight Arena travels to Houston (Mixture Gallery) 1/24/03
"REFLECTIONS OF EVIL" by Damon Packard screening+ Q&A, 12/13/02
NOW SCREENING  "Ruins" by Jesse Lerner 12/07/02
 David Rees of "Get your war on" lecture + book signing 12/03/02
  Cryil Kuhn Laptop Drawings Show!!! (with DJ Megido) 11/17/02
"All You Can Eat" artist-made Karaoke Videos and TV Dinner 11/17/02
"Independant Media Center screening" 11/11/02
"C-Level Memefest" screenings + lectures + games 11/01/02
"Experiments in Terror" screening 10/30/02 
'Race in Digital Space presents': "Close Encounters" 10/13/02
"The Empty Chair" - reading 10/04/02
"Cockfight Arena Redux" 09/20//02
"Underground Zero" screening 09/11/02 
"Best of the Aurora Picture Show" screening 08/31/02
The Journal of Aesthetics and Protest - Reading, Puppet Show, and Raffle 07/18/02
NOW SCREENING "May 2002" by Gye-Joong Kim 07/06/02
Tom Jennings presents "Storyteller" 06/22/02
Kal Spelletich of "SEEMEN" 06/15/02
Brody Condon (with Eric Cho and Sky Frostenstein) Presents "CHINATOWN" 05/18/02
John Haddock lecture: 05/18/02
"Dirges and Sturgeons" video screening: 03/24/02
Mark Flood slide lecture:03/01/02
Nancy Nisbit Presents: "Tracking Virtual Identity" and other projects 02/11/02
"EndTimes: Writing for an Apocalypse postponed" - reading 01/25/02
Nomads & Residents present: Prisons & Public Works with ASHLEY HUNT (NYC) & NICOLE COUSINO (LA) 01/24/02
Garrett Scott Presents: "Cul de Sac: A suburban War Story" 12/06/01
NOW SCREENING Corinna Schnitt & Jessica Erker 11/30/01
"Cockfight Arena" 11/08//01
Creative Capital Foundation workshop 10/18/01

Filmmaker Rebecca Baron & Installation artist Lan Thao Lam 10/13/01

Evening Reading w/ Anthony McCann Jessica Hutchins, Ken Erlich and Liz Hansen 09/13/01
"Enthusiast" - video screening 09/08/01
Tekken@Outfest 07/24/01
Klaus Weber [from Berlin] Presents: "A-Clip" 06/30/01

NOW SCREENING Isabell Spengler 06/23/01

"Tekken Torture Tournament" 05/19/01
Dialogue: Kate Rich & Eddo Stern 05/14/01
C-Level Inaugural Video Screening 01/24/01
 About C-level